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Breathe Easier: The Last Of Cough And Cold Season

Although Spring is technically here, cough and cold season isn’t over — especially here in New England, where we could see snow as easily as sunshine during April. Here are a few tips to help you stay healthy until “true Spring” arrives.flu-1006045_1920

  • New research suggests that regular dental visits may protect against pneumonia by reducing the amount of harmful bacteria in your mouth. It’s another great reason to stick to your schedule of visits to Future of Dentistry, as well as your home care routine.
  • Many people develop cold sores at this time of year. Cold sores are viral, but two factors encourage them to surface: a weakened immune system and exposure to rapidly changing weather. We can’t control the latter, so take care of your health! Consistency is key: eat right, stay hydrated and get plenty of sleep.
  • Sinus infections can cause pain in the upper teeth. If you’re uncertain about the cause of your pain, don’t wait — call our office at 781-245-2299.

If you do become sick:

  • Use sugar-free cough drops. The type with sugar will only encourage unhealthy bacteria to thrive in your mouth.
  • Stay hydrated. Illness often causes dry mouth, and so can OTC and prescription medications. Drinking lots of water is good for your recovery and it keeps the saliva flowing, which reduces your risk of cavities.
  • Toss your toothbrush, or if you use an electric brush, your toothbrush head. Some scientists say you can’t re-infect yourself with the same cold, but it’s not worth the risk.

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